Rifat Ahmed | রিফাত আহমেদ

Bojack Horseman - Season 6 Review & My thoughts

BoJack Horseman – Season 6 Review & My thoughts

To be honest, the news of BoJack Horseman’s cancellation was worse than the cancellation of Arrow. Everyone knows how much I love the Arrowverse, but BoJack Horseman was unlike any other show. It was mature, it was deep, it was emotional, it was dark, and most importantly, it was unsettling.


When it got canceled, I still had a few episodes to finish. But I was too afraid to wrap them up because I knew they needed to answer a lot of questions and pay off all the character’s arcs in the last couple of episodes. It seemed impossible at the time, and more importantly, the 6th season was written and done with before the cancellation news hit the media. Obviously, I knew they wouldn’t be able to wrap up all the character’s arcs, especially BoJack’s. So, I stopped watching it, fearing I’ll hate the ending.


Just recently, I decided to finish those episodes, and I couldn’t have imagined a better ending because, in the end, you are left to wonder what happens with BoJack. Everyone else is settled. Princess Caroline was finally settled with a family, Mr. Peanut Butter was busy with his good work, Todd was slightly mature in thoughts and not in actions, and finally, Diane was happy with her life… with her engaged life. The only character that didn’t have a conclusion was BoJack, and I’m glad there wasn’t one. Now I can imagine whatever I want for BoJack, and that makes me happy…


He can be a happy brother with his sister, he can be an acting coach on Super Max, he can get his fame back with Horny Unicorn, or he can be the guy whom everyone hates… It’s all in my mind now. BoJack could be whatever I want him to be.

But honestly, If I had the power to write the 7th season, I’d have given him a last chance with Diane… Also, I would’ve made Caroline realize that her work is her life because that’s what she enjoys and is good at. She doesn’t need a family to be happy. Her works make her happy… And instead of making Todd slightly mature in his thoughts, I’d made him a reliable man in his own right and proved that even if you were washed up in someone’s house randomly and lived there like a parasite, you still have opportunities to grow. Because BoJack Horseman, the show, was all about growth.


Just think of how far we came from season one’s witty humor to season 6’s depressed, emotional, unsettling narration after Sarah Lynn, Herb, BoJack’s mom’s death, and many other unfortunate events.

BoJack Horseman, a masterpiece…

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