Rifat Ahmed | রিফাত আহমেদ

Writer | Mathematician | Marketer | Designer | Developer | Creator

Rifat Ahmed

রিফাত আহমেদ

Rifat Ahmed
words written so far...
100000 +

Work Experience

Writer, mathematician, content developer and marketer helping creative minds find their ground through my digital marketing agency, Deftyled.
But when I’m not managing my company or solving a differential equation, I write about new gadgets, technologies and latest discoveries for The Business Standard (TBS), BigganChinta (বিজ্ঞানচিন্তা), Kishor Alo (কিশোর আলো), Bangladesh Brand Forum (BBF Digital) and Cyber Barta (সাইবার বার্তা).


B.Sc. in Mathematics and M.S. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Chittagong.
Alumnus of Bangladesh Navy College Dhaka and St. Gregory’s High School.


An amateur writer, wanna-be poet, licensed HAM (Call sign S21KPC) radio operator, avid marathoner, aspiring author and hobbyist musician on the side. Big fan of movies and musicals. I watch them, review them, talk about them and most importantly, I admire them.
Occasionally, I review gadgets and write about science & tech on TBS, KiA or BBF and country’s only monthly science magazine, BigganChinta.

Languages I speak...

Bangla - বাংলা
Hindi - हिन्दी
Urdu - اردو
French - Français

এবং আলাপন — যৌথ কাব্যগ্রন্থ

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