Rifat Ahmed | রিফাত আহমেদ

Writing on a diary

3 Ways to Keep Yourself Occupied

The empty mind is the devil’s workshop. I bet you’ve heard it more times than you can count, and I can also confirm that it’s a fact for sure.

Maybe, you are done with your assignment and have a couple of hours in your hands before you go to bed or maybe you are on your summer vacation, but you won’t want your time to be spent staring at the ceiling, right?

So, what can you do?

Well, I’m here to answer.

So, let’s make your day more productive.



1. Learn a new skill or polish the old one

It’s never too late to learn something new. Even if you are not the old jolly-self that you used to be, learning a new skill won’t be a problem. If you are still a teenager, it’s best to get along with a physical sport. Skateboarding, surfing, ice skating, etc. can be a start for your professional career from now.

But if you are not into the outdoor stuff, you can learn to code while staying at your home. This will not only make your time productive but also help you to build a career with it if your major doesn’t go so well for you.

For a mid-aged person, physical skills are difficult to learn after all those work hours in the office. In this case, learning something to soothe your body and mind is the best option. Dust off your guitar and start playing. Not sure if you’ll have your own band or not, but next time when you go to your high school reunion, you’ll have something to show your buddies.

But if you are retired from work and have lots of time in your hand besides playing with your grandchild, pick up something that needs your care.

Maybe gardening will suit you best. Although it’s not a skill, who am I to judge. I have a room full of cacti.

And if you are doing these already, you can polish them up a little. Take your skill to a new level. If you are skateboarding in your backyard, it’s time to hit a local competition where you can show off your move.
If you are already a good guitar player, time for you to move to an electric one. Collaborate with a small band if possible. You never know what’s ahead of you.

Give your garden a new look. Plant a few rare flowers that’ll look good beside your lilies. These are just some examples of what you can do. Remember, you are not limited to anything. Feel free to pick any hobby you like.



2. Share what you’re good at

If you are bored with my first point, that means you already have something that you are good at. So, why not teach it?

Although it might seem boring, once you start teaching someone, you’ll feel indescribable satisfaction. I remember, when I was only 16, I used to teach a 20-year-old guy how to speak Italian. I learned it in my spare time and it was really fun teaching someone at that young age.

You can also teach them a new skill and form a new team. If you are a programmer, teach a friend of yours how to write code for software. Together, you can create your own software.

Maybe it’ll be a hit or maybe not. But hey, you’ll have software that has your name in the developers’ section. I bet your other friends don’t have any.



3. Write Diary

This might seem unusual, especially in this day when we give our leisure to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snap Chat. But trust me when I say this, a Diary is unlike any of this.

When I was in 6th grade, not that long ago, we had a lesson where we see a young boy writing his Diary. I don’t know why, but I really felt the need to do it myself. So, I started writing it and continued for almost a year. But then I stopped for some reason.

After a couple of years, I found that diary and started reading it. You won’t believe how happy, emotional, and nostalgic I was.
After 10-20 years, when you look that up, you’ll be so happy that you did.
You’ll be re-living your life.

So, what better way to spend your free time than preserving your sweet memories.

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